Tuesday, June 30, 2020

NEW LINKS - Virtual Sports Day


We apologise that the links didn't work 

yesterday. Click below to watch the videos 

and log your score 


Pupils, parents and teachers of Hill Top, enter the Trust Virtual Sports Competition 

and let’s make Hill Top victorious!

Join the competition and help Hill Top win against the other schools in the Trust!

Take a look at our video of the teachers practising their skills last week.

Maths Challenge - Tuesday 30th June

Hi year 4,

Your maths challenge today follows on from yesterday's look at bar graphs and pictographs. Today we will look at comparisons. The two key pieces of mathematical vocabulary will be:

1. Sum
2. Difference

Here is the video which explains the meaning of these words and how to calculate them:
Year 4 - Week 10 - Lesson 2 - Comparison sum and difference from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

And here are your worksheets for today:

English Challenge - Tuesday 30th June

Hi year 4,

We are continuing with our look at story writing today. Today's questions will focus on retrieval from the text. Here are the quizzes and video lesson:

Lesson 2 - Retrieval

Today's lesson uses a video clip from Fantastic Bests and where to Find Them:

I'm sure you all know these by now, but here's a reminder of how to answer fact retrieval questions:

Here's is today's text extract. Again it is from Fantastic Beasts and is quite short:

And finally here are the questions that go along with the text:

Monday, June 29, 2020

Eliza's Tornado Opitcal Illusion

I have been really impressed with some of the optical illusion pictures I have seen. Here's another one from Eliza.

Virtual Sports Day


Pupils, parents and teachers of Hill Top, enter the Trust Virtual Sports Competition 

and let’s make Hill Top victorious!

Join the competition and help Hill Top win against the other schools in the Trust!

To log your score - https://buff.ly/2JLxTUi...

To see the activities - https://buff.ly/2YF4fXp...

Take a look at our video of the teachers practising their skills last week.

Maths Challenge - Monday 29th June

Good morning year 4,

Today's maths lesson will be about interpreting charts. Particularly looking at bar graphs and pictographs. Here is the lesson video:

Year 4 - Week 10 - Lesson 1 - Interpret charts from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

And here are your lesson activities. Make sure you read the questions carefully as well as looking closely at the data in the graphs and charts.

Spellings - Monday 29th June

Good morning year 4,

Here are your spellings for this week. They focus on the in prefix 'in'

Complete picture words with your spellings this week. Here is my example:


English Challenge - Monday 29th June (Story)

Good morning year 4,

This week's English genre will be a story. Today will be a reading comprehension day focusing on word meaning:

Here is the link for the video lesson:

Lesson 1 - Story

The test extract is quite short today. Here it is:

And here are the questions for the text above:

Friday, June 26, 2020

Maths Problems - Answers

Here are the answers to today's maths problem solving lesson:

1a. 12, 24
1b. 21, 35
1c. 50, 25

2. The top two shapes 1/3   and  2/6 should have a circle.

3. a. 5/7  b. 9/16  c. 4/14  d. 7/15

5. a. 486  b. 7783

6. a. 15:30   b. 5:45am   c. 23:10   d. 9:55am

Maths Challenge - Friday 26th June

Hi year 4,
For our maths challenge today we will look at some problem solving questions. These will focus on a variety of maths areas. For each question I will give you a tip to help you solve the problem. I will post the answers to the blog shortly.

Q1. Tip: To find the missing numbers look at two numbers next to each other and try to figure out what they go up or down in.

Q2. Tip: Think about what fractions are equivalent to 1/3. The ones that are will have a denominator 3 times bigger than the numerator.

Q3. Tip: Remember when adding or subtracting fractions the denominator stays the same.

Q4. Tip: One of the shapes is NOT a 3D shape. I would do this one first.

Q5. Tip: Use column addition. Be careful with letter A as you have a two and three digit number to add.

Q6. Tip: If you can't remember the 24 hour clock times there is a table to help you here:
24 Hour Table

English Challenge - Friday 26th June

Hi year 4,

Welcome to Friday's lesson. Today you will be writing your own setting description of an IMAGINARY WORLD. Here is the lesson video:

Your activity today will be to write a description of a setting. Here are some ideas to help you:

And here are some vocabulary ideas to help you get started.

Good luck with your writing. Aim for a page and a half at least, if you can, and don't forget to e-mail your finished writing to:


Spelling Quiz - Friday 26th June

Good morning everyone,

Before you attempt the spelling quiz this week please have a look at your spellings. Think about the meaning of each homophone.

Here is your spelling quiz. Complete the sentences with the correct homophone:

1. The forecast said the _____________ would be bright and sunny today.
2. I could _____________ a loud noise coming from the back garden.
3. "Have you ___________ my school bag?" Lilly asked her mum.
4. The narrator sets the ___________ for the play.
5. My teacher asked me ____________ or not I understood what to do.
6. "Come over ___________ ," my friend said "I've got something to tell you."

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Maths Challenge - Thursday 25th June

Hello year 4,

Welcome to today's lesson, which involves using all four operations to solve money problems. Here is the video:
Year 4 - Week 9 - Lesson 4 - Solve problems with money from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Here are the lesson questions for today:

English Challenge - Thursday 25th June


It's SPAG day today. The lesson focuses on prepositions. Remember prepositions are positional words like:


The video lesson goes into more detail about prepositions:


And here are your SPAG questions:

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Evan's Artwork - Optical Illusions

Evan has produced some amazing artwork, which uses an optical illusion to make these hands appear like they are jumping off the paper.

Eliza's Artwork

Eliza has produced some lovely artwork based on last week's texture rubbing lesson. If you look closely, you can see the different textures inside the coloured shapes!

Maths Challenge - Wednesday 24th June

Good morning year 4,

Today's maths focuses on estimating again, but this time estimating involving money. Here is the video lesson:
Year 4 - Week 9 - Lesson 3 - Estimating money from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

And here are the questions for today's lesson:

English Challenge - Wednesday 24th June

Good morning year 4,

Welcome to today's lesson which will focus on the features of a setting description.

Here is the video lesson:

Lesson 3 - Features

Again we will be using the same setting description we have been using throughout the week so far:

Here are your questions about the features. Here are a couple of things to help you:

1. Subordinate clauses are extra bits of information added into a sentence using commas.
2. Figurative language includes things like similes, metaphor and personification which are added to a sentence to give a more vivid description.