Monday, May 18, 2020

English - Monday 18th May (Reading Comprehension - Persuasive Writing)

Good morning year 4,

It is Mr Hissey with you once again this week. I hope you are all well. This week we will be looking at persuasive writing. We will be following lessons from the Oak National Academy. I have been using these lessons with my son Alex and he's really enjoyed them. They are fairly short, but really clear and quite similar to how teach at school. Here is the first lesson, but I will also put the activities below for those without access to online videos. You will need a pencil and paper to record your answers.

Lesson 1 - Persuasive Writing

Here is the text for your reading comprehension. It is a persuasive poem about looking after the planet:

Here is a practice question that goes along with the text:

The answers here are:

1. Recycle the plastic.
2. Pick up your trash.

Well done if you got them correct. Now try these questions independently:

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