Friday, April 17, 2020

English Challenge - Friday 17th April (Descriptive Writing)

Hello year 4,

For our final descriptive writing challenge I would like you to put everything we have practised together and write a paragraph or two of descriptive writing.

The title will be - The Forest

Here are the writing skills we have practised:

1. Expanded noun phrases
2. Similes
3. Different openers (ISPACE)
4. Using our senses in our writing
5. Using a thesaurus to improve our vocabulary

Here are some pictures to inspire your ideas:

If you are still struggling to get started here are a couple of sentences you can use as a start.

The Forest

Inside the lush green forest I hear the sounds of squirrels scampering rapidly through the trees. The floor is littered with the split and broken shell of nuts and acorns.

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