Monday, April 20, 2020

English Challenge - Monday 20th April (Reading Comprehension)

Hello year 4,
If you are just joining us back after the Easter holidays, welcome back!

For our reading comprehension this week I have chosen an extract from the first chapter of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

Whisper read the extract below to yourself carefully. (Click on the image if it's too small to read)

Now answer the following questions about the text:

1. What woke Frank up in the middle of the night?
2. What did frank think was going on in the Riddle house?
3. Why wouldn't Frank have phoned the police, even if he had a telephone?
4. Where did he pick his walking stick up from?
5. True or false - Frank listens to a conversation between Harry and Wormtail?
6. What was Frank's plan after listening to the conversation?
7. What happens to Frank at the end of the text? Explain in as much detail as you can.
8. Do you think this is a good opening chapter to Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire? Explain why.

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