Thursday, April 30, 2020

Poetry challenge - Friday 1st May

Poetry challenge - Friday 1st May

To finish the week we'd like you to get your creative heads on  and write a poem about what you have been doing whilst we have been off from school.

You can write any type of poem. and don't worry about making it rhyme.

We would love you to email your poems for us to look at and dojos are available for all poems sent.

To give you some ideas, here's one I wrote:

Nine o'clock and it's PE with Joe,

It's motivating and gets me ready to go.

Then there are emails to check and reports to write,

Is it lunch time yet? Not quite.Sort out some work for year 4 to do,

What's for tomorrow? I haven't a clue.

Home schooling with my youngest - maths, physics, English,

He's not very keen, can't wait to finish.

If I've finished my work, it's a walk round the lake,

But when I get back, my legs really ache.

A special treat this week, a staff meeting on Zoom,

It seemed really strange seeing everyone one from my own dining room.

I've done lots of jobs in the time so far,

I've cleaned the patio and washed the car.

The grass is cut and fresh paint is on the wall,

I hope we're back soon because I'm missing you all!

Don't forget to email your poems!

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